This the species Volucella pellucens. it is occurring mainly along forest edges, but one can also find it in cities.
Thank you for confirmation of latin name. Unfortunately, a name in slovene language doesn't exist (yet).
@ epistrophe, I wish you a warm welcome in the name of foto-narava group. And thanx for your comments too!
oeps:D Next time I shall first check the latin name. Alenka do you have suggestions for a slovene name?
A direct translation from would be Ivory hoverfly and from german Forest hoverfly. I did not find any actual english name.
My suggestion would be "slonokoščena trepetavka" because of white colour of it's abdomen. Ivory = slonokoščen = colour of the elephant's tusk.
a little late response but the name sounds great! This is also a way to learn a bit more slovene
Najprej bi bilo smiselno, da dodelimo slovensko ime za rod Volucella. Volucer/Volucris pomeni leteč, okriljen, hiter, pellucens pa namiguje na prosojnost (so bele pike na prvih tergitih lahko rahlo prosojne?). Predlagam, da razmislimo kaj v tej smeri. Prosojna letalka?